About Me
I learned many skills by studying at university and then I have mastered them on my own
Ethical Hacking
Network Defence
Malware Analysis
Web Development
Android Development
My badges
My Resume
Code In The Dark (CITD) CTF Jeopardy is a Capture The Flag competition by Interlogica, testing hacking skills with digital challenges of varying difficulty levels.
https://www.interlogica.it/news/citd-ctf-jeopardy/CyberX – Mind4Future is an advanced experiential cybersecurity training project organised by Cyber 4.0, the highly specialised national cybersecurity skills centre, in partnership with Leonardo.
https://www.leonardo.com/en/news-and-stories-detail/-/detail/mind4future_la-formazione-esperienziale_news https://www.cyber40.it/2815-2/The CDP Cyber Challenge is the hackathon promoted by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, created in collaboration with Maker Faire Rome, aimed at making people aware of the issue of cybersecurity.
https://www.cybersecitalia.it/cdp-cyber-challenge-partecipa-allhackathon-in-programma-il-2-dicembre-2022/21964/The BIP CyberSec Talent Week is an event organized by BIP and VGen with the goal of providing young people who are interested in cybersecurity a chance to put their skills to the test and get some career.
CyberSecurity certification issued by the international information System Security Certification Consortium
The ECDL Full Standard is an accredited certification that includes six modules: Computer Essentials, IT-Security, Online Essentials, Online Collaboration, Spreadsheets and Presentation. This certification proves proficiency and security in using computer programs and online tools.
English B2 certification issued by Centro Linguistico Ateneo Messinese (CLAM)
English Certificate issued by LAL London
Write efficient searches, perform correlations, create visualizations, and leverage sub-searches and lookups.
Certificate about security in laboratories issued by UNIME
Certificate about Maltego CaseFile issued by The Cyber Institute
Certificate about OSINT issued by The Cyber Institute
Certificate about OSINT on social media issued by the Totem Project